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GCU Press
God-centered Universe Press
Printing God-centered books for the Christian church and home, especially on the fear of God, family-based discipleship,
and God's heart for
preborn children.

of the Cross
The Preaching of Christ Crucified
According to the Scriptures
“O weak and worldly Evangelical Church, why is it that your pulpits have lost their power?”In Prophecies of the Cross, Timothy L. Fan asks the great evangelistic question: What does it mean to preach the Gospel in the very manner in which the Apostles preached it, namely, that Christ died for our sins “according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3)? Since the manner of preaching the Gospel in today’s churches has become so very unbiblical—so dominated by mere words of “human wisdom” (1 Corinthians 2:4) and so wanting in rich Scriptural content—this question of how to preach “Christ crucified” as “according to the Scriptures” is one of the most important and urgent questions of our day. Therefore, this present work is presented to the Church as a sermonic display of how to preach the atoning sacrifice and resurrected glory of the Lord Jesus Christ as “according to the Scriptures”—which is to say, as prophesied in both the Law and the Prophets—and thus with that authenticating demonstration of the Spirit and of power which has characterized the historic, God-fearing preaching of the Gospel by His faithful servants throughout the ages.
New from GCU Press!

Jesus Loves the Little Babies
A Fully Illustrated Children's Book
by Sarah Fan
Modifying the 19th-century hymn, “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” this “fearfully and wonderfully” illustrated children’s book (Ps. 139:14) brings both parents and their children near to God’s heart for all children, including preborn babies in the womb. Praying for God to abolish the present-day Abortion Holocaust, Jesus Loves the Little Babies is a God-centered celebration of the Creator’s work of fashioning human life within the womb. It thus heralds the Gospel of the Son of God’s incarnation in Mary’s womb (as Elizabeth says to Mary in Luke 1:44: “For behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped in my womb for joy!”) in a way that little eyes and little ears can understand. Soli Deo Gloria. Glory to God alone. (24 pages)
Divine Heartbeat
Listening to God's Heartbeat
for Preborn Children
Divine Heartbeat heralds the biblical mandate to know the glory of God through the mournful, cross-bearing work of the kind of Abortion Abolitionism that is distinctly Christian. It is simultaneously a summons to repentance, beckoning the Church to return to the sound doctrines and practices of the historic Christian faith, and a vision for a Scripture-based approach to the Abortion Abolitionist cause. Seeking to provide comfort and hope to those who weep for the preborn children of the world (and especially to those who have been bereaved of preborn children), it centers the message of Abortion Abolitionism on the Gospel of Christ Jesus. For, the incarnation of the Son of God began with the divine Child in His mother’s womb. It is thus a Scripture-based celebration of life—as created by God in the womb—and a Scripture-based call to war—spiritual war on behalf of God’s little ones who reside in the womb. (300 pages)
The Life and Doctrine of John Bunyan
God's Ordinary Tinker is a book about an extraordinary man of God. It is not an attempt at a “theologically neutral” summary of John Bunyan’s life and teaching (which the present author surmises that Bunyan himself would strongly discourage), but rather an unabashedly pastoral reflection on Bunyan’s life and doctrine, complete with application to the current, quite compromised, Evangelical Church. It is thus both the story of the life of Bunyan and a sermonic call to the contemporary Church to return to the practice of the fear of the Lord, which Bunyan championed so courageously. (140 pages)
It Is a Glory to Her
How Pornography Is Misogynist
& Purity Is Precious
"In many respects, the way in which men view and act towards women defines the measure of the general morality of the particular age in which they live." What, then, of today’s digitized society wherein women are robbed of their highest honor, which is their holiness before God and their quiet, meek modesty before Him? How shall men today be taught to honor the glory of womanhood by guarding the purity of women? Also, how shall women today be restored under the protective covering of their humble submission to the Word of Christ Jesus? The present tract is “a short, yet immensely urgent reflection on God’s design for the glory of Christian purity.” It is for all of those who seek purity of heart in the midst of a world that is full of sordid lusts and shattered innocence. (50 pages)
The Babes
Celebrating Christmas with God's Love
for Preborn Children
“This present, little volume is presented to the Church on account of the conviction that a Christ-centered celebration of Christmas is woefully corrupt without a Christ-centered understanding of God’s love for all of the preborn children of the world.” The Babes of Christmas is a call for the Church to apply the doctrine of the incarnation of the Word of God to the global crisis of the modern Abortion Holocaust. For, the Christmas account begins not in a manger, but in the womb of Mary. The Son of God was incarnate first as a preborn Babe, and only afterwards as the Babe of Bethlehem in Mary’s arms. Using careful, detailed studies of the Old Testament prophecies and New Testament fulfillments of the coming of the Son of God in the flesh of a Babe, the present work summons all of God’s elect to shed Gospel tears and to exercise Gospel love on behalf of their preborn neighbors. This summons, then, is at once doxological and abolitionist, since the Christ who was once a fragile Babe in the womb is the same Christ who is now ascended into Heaven, and seated at the right hand of the Father in glory. (151 pages)